#147 The role of soul in business with Duke Stump

When my friend Robbie Thompson sent me a link to Bonfire With Soul, I knew I landed on something special. Why? Because Duke Stump's goal is to make Harvard Business School obsolete.

As an economics major playing hockey at Vermont University with a love for philosophy and nature, as a young man Duke was learning all about business.

But at the same time he's watching Ben & Jerry's down the road dismantle everything he's learning in the classroom about what it means to be in business.

Through compassion, vulnerability, courage and honesty, Duke believes in challenging the status quo and wants to play in completely different jet streams.

Today, Duke loves building bonfires with soul: powerful, emotionally charged brands that stand for something meaningful in the world.

Recently cited by Forbes as one of the top 50 Game-Changing CMO’s, Duke has spent the last 30+ years helping to build iconic global brands (NIKE, Seventh Generation, lululemon).

In addition, he has served in BOD and mentor roles with The Biomimicry Institute, 21c Hotels, Unreasonable Group, Healthy Child Healthy World and Love Your Brain.

A lover of nature, slow food, horsemanship and yoga, Duke and his family live on a small ranch in idyllic Ojai, CA along with horses, dogs, cats and chickens.

This is a powerful conversation about embracing change, the unknown and being open to what may be. Especially when the world is telling you you’re crazy.

Enjoy this powerful conversation!


Duke Stump's goal is to obsolete Harvard Business School. As an economics major playing hockey at Vermont University who loved philosophy and nature, Duke was learning all about business. But at the same time he's watching Ben & Jerry's down the road dismantle everything he's learning in the classroom about what it means to be in business.

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