#33 What coaches don't want to hear with Angus Fletcher

When someone asks you "What do you do?", what do you say? If like me you dread the question like you dread filling out tax returns, you'll want to listen to today's episode with Angus Fletcher who shares with us his wealth of wisdom when it comes down to actually talking about what you do and getting clients.

Angus is a Certified Coach (CPCC), Certified NLP Master Practitioner, Certified NLP Trainer and Certified Team and Relationship Coach (ORSCC)who constantly comes up with new ideas to launch (e.g. The Sunday Record www.thesundayrecord.com).

He's also had a successful international career as a trainer and facilitator for some of the biggest names in the non-profit industry including Greenpeace.

I'd love to hear what you got out of todays episode and so please post any questions or comments on the show notes. Remember to go over on iTunes and subscribe to the show and leave a review!

Thank you so much for tuning in and I hope you enjoy today's episode!